Editing Analysis

 ) Watch the first minute of the clip. How many times does it cut? (This is when the shot changes - the first cut in the scene is after 9 seconds). There shot changed nine times during the clip.

2) How does the pace (speed) of cuts change between 1 minute and 1.30?The pace between 1:00 and 1:30 becomes slower.

3) Why is the scene emotional for the audience to watch? This was emotional to watch because van ghoh was crying to see how much achieved 

Extension tasks

4) How is juxtaposition (two shots placed next to each other) used at 1.58 to create meaning for the audience? Its used to show van gohs reaction to what the man said about his great work.

5) What do you think is the most important shot in this scene and why? The most important is close up because it shows us vin ghoh's reaction to what the man was saying about him.


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