Introduction to OSP

Introduction to OSP

Create a blog post called 'TV assessment learner response'.

1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write marks/grades if you do not wish to).Well done, sumaya! you've done a brilliant job here.

 Continue to apply media terminology  to a greater range of mise en scene/character/story line/sound analysis.

Some good idea but not enough detailed analysis/media terminology exploring how the various character + story lines suit the target audience.

sumaya- all the right knowledge but lacking exploration of industries + characters. You focused of gender representations of women.

2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Write an answer for question 1.1 on mise-en-scene.

3) Look at question 1.2. Write ONE narrative feature in the extract you could have written for this answer. In this scene we are introduced to Mrs Coulter and the witch. Mrs Coulter is trying to get information from the witch which implies that shes a villain and has an ulterior motive. This fits into props character theory. Furthermore mise en scene is used to create a narrative throughout the setting and the ominous music which which builds up an intense, mysterious atmosphere.

4) Now focus on question 1.3. Write down ONE answer for this question about how the extract targeted a family audience. For a 2019 audience the show is modern and is of high quality meeting their standards.The show is biased around supernatural which drawn in audience specifically young kids as it is a fiction series.

5) Finally, write down THREE things you need to revise or practice for your next Television assessment. Exploring industries and character.Detailed analysis and use of terminology. A greater range of mise en scene/story lines/sound analysis.  


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