Summer project task

1) Research: Magazine covers and features

You need to research magazine front covers and double-page spread features.

Tattler magazine covers

Find three different Tattler magazine covers:

Front cover conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the covers you have researched? 


Front cover conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the covers you have researched? 

 Bold makeup to present high fashioned women.
 Luxury jewelleries 
Wearing luxury clothing brands

Image analysis: What do you notice about the central images on the magazine covers? What do you notice about the mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) - particularly costume, make-up and setting? 
Bright colours to stand out/centre of attention
unusual background, cooler colour theme.
- Bold makeup to appear strong and leave an impression on the audience

Representations: What representations of people and groups can you find on these covers?

Double-page spread features

Find three different double page spread magazine features like these:

Double page spread feature conventions: What conventions or typical features can you find on the double page spread features you have researched?  

Image analysis: What do you notice about the use of images? How are they laid out on the page? How does the mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) create meanings for the audience? 

Representations: What representations can you find in these features?  Mostly white models and not enough diversity.

2) Magazine planning 

Plan out the title and cover star for your new, original lifestyle magazine. 

Complete this Magazine planning document with your NEW original idea for a lifestyle magazine aimed at rich and successful people. Copy and paste the questions from the Google doc into your blog. 

Magazine planning document

Our coursework task involves coming up with our own idea for a NEW magazine aimed at a rich and successful audience – a little bit like Tattler. Plan your own, original NEW magazine using the questions below. Fill in the following details:

Front cover

Magazine title: Modest

Slogan: modesty is in fashion

Price: £8

Main cover image:

Main cover story (note brief: ‘a person of importance who would appeal to a rich and successful audience’):  A a business women whose aiming to take her clothing brand world wide.

Cover lines for your magazine cover – other stories that would appear in the magazine: Other stuff that may appear might be how she came up and what encouraged her to pursue dreams

Double page spread feature

Details of interview with person of importance: 

Headline: First hijabi fashion multi millionaire

Subheading: The best fashionista of this generation profiting 5 million pounds from her new collection launch.

Stand first (first paragraph of story): 

What interview will be about: The interview will be on the challenges she endured as a black hijabi women who aren't represented fairly in the media and are always slandered for being different

Plan for original images (need FOUR in total across double page spread): 


Font/typography – choose TWO fonts that will appeal to rich and successful people and that you will use throughout your coursework:  Dancing script

Colour scheme – choose a mix of colours that will appeal to your audience: Warm toned colours like brown, beige , midnight blue

3) Statement of Intent

On the same Summer Project blogpost, write the rough first draft of your genuine 300-word Statement of Intent for the magazine and double-page spread feature you plan to create. The final draft of this document will be submitted to the exam board alongside your production work and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.

Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested content document too.


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